HAProxy basic ddos protection and tricks


HAProxy is the defacto reverse proxy and loadbalancer. HAproxy has some very good mechanisms for basic DDos protection. In this read we are going to see 3 haproxy features that can save you time and headaches.

Migrating: Cassandra


Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database. It is running on many production systems and in many of them a cluster might be needed to be migrated to different or bigger machines, or even in a different cloud or dc. Fortunately Cassandras distrbutes architecture makes a migration possible with almost no downtime.

Migrating: Zookeeper


Zookeeper is a distributed key-value store. In this article we will go through the online migration procedure. Migrating a distributed system can be very easy on paper and very hard on practice but doable never the less.

Upgrading: Postgresql 9.6 to 10


PostgreSQL community is very busy developing the worlds leading opensource relational database. Every few years a new version is available with many new features, improvements and bug fixes. In this article we will go through an upgrade procedure for postgresql version 9.6 to version 10. Minor downtime is required.

SSH Tunnel


The case is very common. You have a database server (PostSQL/MySQL) running on a VPS with a public IP and you need to access it from your local machine or your cloud based BI tool. Publicly exposing PostgreSQL/MySQL isn’t the brightest thing to do so why not tunnel it at least though SSH.

Its Been a Year

Its been almost a year since I started this blog and I have posted a few posts only…I will quote something from Futurama to self critisize my lazyness…here it goes:

Migrating: Docker registry on kubernetes with Azure Blob Storage


Running statefull services on k8s is something that many people do, but everyone will agree that running staless is a lot easier and fun. In the case of docker registry its not possible to be stateless, but the storage can be decoupled from k8s and served by another service like Azure Blob Storage.

Rotate HAProxy logs hourly

Rational On production systems HAProxy might be generating a very large amount of logs. It is possible that those logs can become a huge problem unless you rotate them. Daily rotation might be good for low traffic installations, but high trafic ones might generate almost 10gb in a few hours , so you might need to rotate logs every hour. Rotating logs hourly is not configured by default on Ubuntu systems.

About me

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is George and I like DevOps, Programming and Networks.


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